Krayola Band is an Alternative Rap/Rock Band consisting of five members: Elvis Bonife as a Vocalist, Christian Santosidad as Lead guitarist, Chachie Acebuche as Rhythm Guitarist, Gabriel Castro as Bassist, Adonis Paragas as Rhythm Guitarist & Rex Salvador as Drummer.
Our mission is to use music as an avenue to wake the minds of the youth and our Filipino countrymen to the current situation of our Bayang Sinilangan.
Like Krayola, we have different hues but we are fitting in the same box. We as Filipino should stand to fight disparity by giving respect without unnecessary reason. Disregard the religion, social norms, tribe, skin color, and any standards of living. Let us look beneath the aspects of vain and vanity by seeing the naked truth of without standards we are nothing but bare-handed Filipinos laid in Perlas ng Silanganan.